Plugging along...

Since coming home from London I've kind of been laying low. I'm fighting a cold and feeling a bit worn out but that hasn't stopped me from working. Working on what? you might ask! Well, nothing new, nothing surprising... earrings. More earrings. I'm on a roll, what can I say.

This pair is called Art Deco Fan. I love the detail that shows through the glaze! I will have these in many, many colors very soon.

This pair is called Spirograph. I am also making this style on a hoop (with the hole right through the center - very spiffy).

And these fun circle patterns are called Tide Pool.

In other news.... I am taking part in a necklace Round Robin hosted by Lorelei. She blogged about the first round where everyone who is participating sent their necklace starts to her and she added to them. Well, I just received the necklaces in the mail today and hoo-wee, do I have my work cut out for me! I have some ideas brewing but I will have to spend a little time just staring at them before I can get a real feel for each one and the person they will go home to. Stay tuned for some photos once I finish my part (hopefully within the week). :)


SueBeads said…
Pretty pretty earrings! I love the spirograph ones! How are the bunnies, by the way?
Beautiful new designs. I LOVE your earring cards, too! Do you make those yourself?
californiablue said…
Really beautiful work! I love the mix of ceramics with jewelry, and the colors are so gentle and soft.
Silver Parrot said…
I love the fans and the spirograph especially. I had a spirograph as a kid and I used to spend hours drawing with it.
Alice said…
Gorgeous earrings! And I love the antiqued earring cards! I struggle with earring cards because I want to hang them on my revolving earring rack so I use those plastic hangers with a peel-off tape. They work well, but my cards don't have a lot of charachter. Maybe its time for a change....