I love the fact that I keep everything I have ever made/had any contact with in any way. Yes, some might call it hoarding. I call it being prepared for any given situation. If it weren't for my "serial collecting" ways this necklace might never had happened.

You see, I made the two focal porcelain pieces about three or four years ago. I loved how the glaze came out but didn't have any fabulous ideas for the pieces at that moment so I hoarded them away in my special drawer full of other pieces I made a million years ago. Some day I may use them all! Or... they will continue to live happily in my drawer until the event of my death when some poor unsuspecting family member discovers (what will surely make a great documentary film some day) my
not so secret piles of precious bits and baubles. I remember my grandmother once expressing concern over what people would find once she passed away. I've moved beyond concern into pity...

Anyhoo, on to the necklace! There's all kinds of things going on in this piece! I started the whole piece by attaching a lovely shard of mother-of-pearl to the porcelain using my new favorite
Memeory Thread wire.

Then I wrapped two copper ring links with the same ivory Memory Thread. The toggle is a metal button that I found in NYC last week and it works great as a closure.

The rest of the necklace is comprised of pearl and mother-of-pearl (the rest of Pearl's family refused to participate... snobs), white turquoise, dyed jasper (or agate, can't remember) and bone. I made it to fit rather short, almost a choker length. Might have to hang on to this one for a while. I like it a lot. :)
I have often thought that too and tell my husband things that no one should ever see if I die and he should clean the bathroom before anyone comes to our house.
Very cool necklace!
hope yo are feeling better and that Wren is so cute!
So now I leave my comment regarding the rabbit here: JUST WANT TO EAT HER!!!!
I am a big animal lover and when Petey died I cried a little (sniff, sniff). Wren sounds like a boy name?
Love everything about it