Face-down Tuesday - 12.28.10
Yay! It's Tuesday again! This week we took things more public. That's me, above, face down in a local Subway restaurant. You gotta click on the photo to zoom in and see the look on the guy's face. Too funny!
After that we ventured on over to the CVS drugstore where Dani hit the floor. The best part about this photo is the fact that the other people in the shot didn't even acknowledge us. Not only was Dani laying on the floor face down but we were laughing uncontrollably the entire time and they didn't even flinch. So odd...
I took one more of Dani - just caused it looked so cool.
Start thinking about some good face-down locations and join in the fun next week!
Start thinking about some good face-down locations and join in the fun next week!
You guys are so funny.
Shannon C