Yesterday was a wonderful rainy day here in upstate NY and I spent nearly all of it in the studio glazing bowls. Every year the studio where I work donates around 200-250 soup bowls to the
Empty Bowls project. My contribution to the project comes in the way of glazing. Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I love, love, LOVE to glaze and I relish the opportunity to glaze things that are bigger than a quarter. :) My friend, Maryanne (who happens to run the studio) is a production potter who throws bowls in a matter of minutes. I love her bowls. They were meant for me to glaze. So she throws and I glaze. Yay! Above is one of her bowls that I glazed from the last gas firing. I was so thrilled with the outcome that I set out to try to recreate the same look. We shall see if it works - you never really know when it comes to reduction firing.

Here are some of the bowls in their "before" state. I'll try to get an "after" later in the week after we fire them.

This bowl above was done in a similar way to the bowl below. I didn't write down what exact glazes I used in the finished bowl (a big no-no) so I had to take a guess as to what glazes I used. Usually I pride myself on being able to identify any glaze combination but this one did have me a little stumped (but I think I got it... maybe).

I loved this bowl so much that I promised to glaze a zillion more if I could keep it. :)

And you know it's Spring when the ducks return to the studio! This little sweetie was staring at me through the door. She seemed to remember that last year I fed her crackers so I scrounged around the studio and came up with some Fritos for her. Not the best duck diet, but she was pretty pleased. Her boy must have been out scouting for nest building property. Like a good duck-boy should. :)
You are my hero, I always hated to glaze. I would prefer to be the one throwing than the one glazing.
We had ducks last week in the drainage ditch in our backyard.
The ducks are coo-coo today. On the deck outside my office window one lady duck stood on the brick wall and quacked. All the other ducks are pairing up. One poor lady was pursued all day by three bachelors. And the duck on the deck was scaring away finches and cardinals. It was like Wild Kingdom, I tell ya! Enjoy the day! Erin
P.S. Love Empty Bowls! This year my potter friend is having the artists in our coop paint original artwork on large bowls that will be auctioned off. I am going to try my hand at painting something that someone might want. I wonder if they would let me bead it somehow?
Keep up the good works! You inspire me! :)
You did a wonderful job on this bowl, and I hope you are able to recreate the glaze colors again.
However! That is the way I plan on glazing the line of pottery I am working on with Maryanne. So hopefully there will be many many more bowls for you to fall in love with. :)