It hit me today that my first show of the year is only two weeks away. Yikes! How did that happen? I've been enjoying the last several months of non-showness. From here on out I have a pretty steady string of shows clear up until the holidays.
I never did get my new table coverings made. Or my banner (that I meant to make
last year). And I
desperately need to get a serious, grown-up tent (
this is the one I want - I figure if I put it out in the universe then maybe it will magically appear - right?:). I also wanted to lighten up my Summer display a bit so a few months ago I found these sweet bird cagey things and though "Hey, those would make awesome earring displays!"

But now I'm not so sure they are going to work. Perhaps for small shows but I think at larger, busier shows they might not be practical. I would need to price all the earrings the same, for one. And they aren't as visible as they are when I
display them on my cards. I don't know, what do you guys think? As a shopper would you be drawn to this type of display or would you prefer to have things more organized and right in front of you? I tired to think about what I like when I shop in other jewelry maker's booths and I think I might be more drawn to this type of display. There is something fun about being able to run your fingers through the earrings and see them hanging like little magical wind chimes. But that might just be me. Let me know what you think!

They are cute, aren't they? Even if I don't use them in my set-up they work great as a place to hang my earrings as I finish making them. :)
HOWEVER< I think that displaying your earrings on your neat little cards, is a better way to view them. They get kind of list on the cages...
They are sooo cute though!
I feel your pain though, I am prepping for an art show next week, arrrgh :) T.
Where is your first show of the season?!?
Either way, your items look great!
What about putting the earrings on clear acetate cards, and then attaching those cards to the cages?
for smaller shows i think they are great... and they might even encourage people to stop and look... big plus...
you are absolutely right though about having to price them the same when displayed like that... not a bad thing, just is what it is...
i wouldn't write off using them...
Kerry, my show is the Maple Fest in Marathon, NY. It's one of the earliest shows around here so I thought I would give it a try. :)
Good luck!
The cages are certainly eye catchers and will probably draw many people to look at the earrings (and some will want to buy the cages...).
There's nothing much to add from my point of view. :)
I would definitely use your usual cards and add a cage (they are awesome) to hang some of earings. It's a great eyecatcher.