Sticks and Stone

A few weeks ago I had an idea. The kind of idea that gets cozy in my brain and hounds me until I do something about it. So I did and here it is. I call it Sticks and Stone. Not the most original name but it seems to fit.

As you can see these pieces consist of porcelain and sterling silver which I have balled at both ends. The "sticks" can slide around freely which gives off a bit of a sculptural vibe. There are many variations on this theme (as in rings, necklaces more earrings) to come so stay tuned!

These three pairs will be in the shop first thing in the morning. Just as soon as I get some much needed sleepy dream time. :)


Lorelei Eurto said…
Very very cool Nancy!
Repeate from my flickr comment: You really have something unique here and I love this look!

Looks like you have opened up a completely new direction that your work can take -- and it has a really great look to it! I am looking forward to seeing how it progresses! Really beautiful Job, Nancy!
You are so creative and always thinking of something unique - love them!
Erin Siegel said…
Very cool, Nancy! They kinda have a rocker type vibe going on with the metal studs! ROCK on!
Rosanne said…
I'm thinking sticks and stones will break my wallet and not my bones! These are cool earrings you got going.
jeweledrabbit said…
Love, love, love, love 'em.
Anji Gallanos said…
These are great and I think the name is perfect.
noricum said…
Neat! What an original idea, and very cool looking!

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