Well, this is hardly news, especially to anyone who knows me. I am a bit of a slob, there is no denying it. Some find that hard to believe since my work is very clean and tidy looking. But, it's true. Today I had to laugh at myself when I realized that the clothes I was wearing are the same clothes I have been wearing in the studio for years now. I have washed them, don't get alarmed, thought not too often. Ha! I kid, I kid...
There was a time when the shoes in the photo above were new and awesome and I thought I was very awesome for owning them. Now they are ripped and worn and stained with clay and glaze. They still work, though, so they won't be going anywhere anytime soon. One of these days I would like to get myself a new pair (that I would NOT wear in the studio), though after seeing how much they have
gone up in price I don't think that will be happening right away. (Of course, it has been about 11 years since I bought mine.. the price was bound to go up by now...)

I've had this Black Flag sweatshirt for at least ten years, probably more, and it is still one of my favorites. I wear it to the studio a lot and have been for years. I looked though some of my photos on Flickr and laughed when I saw nearly two years ago to the day I was wearing
this same sweatshirt in the studio. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :)

While me and my slobby clothes were in the studio today we got a ton of work done. Above is a sneak peak at what I am getting ready for my next Extra update. Those of you who have followed my work for a while will recognize the dragonflies. They are one of my early signature pieces. For years people have asked me if they could buy them to use in their own jewelry and I have always refused. But now I am giving everyone a chance to get one!! Woo-hoo!! It will be a limited edition run of just 20 pieces. And then I will never make them again. Except for me. :)
My goal is to have them ready to list on Friday. As long as the weather here in upsate NY cooperates and I can get in to get everything glazed in time, that is the plan. I will post a definitive date and time once I know for sure.
You have to give me first dibs ;-)
i need to break down and get some nice things...for when i need to not look like a slob.
p.s. those shoes are awesome!
Oh, and yes, wantwantwant dragonflies...