
I've been spitting out rings like a Pez dispenser the past few days. Well, maybe not that quickly, but I've been working right along, learning and trying to improve. I've been digging through my vast piles of porcelain, picking out ring-worthy pieces. I have a hoard of pieces that I have been gathering for years with the idea of combining them with silver one day. And, of course, I have been working away making new pieces just for this endeavor. At this rate I will have enough pieces to to set in silver for the next 100 years. I probably already do.

I call this ring Down the Rabbit Hole. It's big and bold and has magical powers such as being able to hypnotize small children and house pets.
I have a thing for spirals.

This is my popular Pin Cushion design in periwinkle purple. This time I oxidized the silver which I think looks quite fetching on this particular ring. There is a nice contrast of dark to shiny going on, thanks to some extra tumbling action and a little steel wool.

This puppy is my biggest ring thus far. I glazed the porcelain piece several months ago and knew I needed to see it set in silver. It's the kind of piece that makes people ask "what kind of stone is this?" (A question I am asked a zillion times at every show even though they are looking at a sign that says Handmade PORCELAIN Jewelry. Ugh.) You can tell them that it's a very rare stone that comes from the rolling hills of upstate NY and is mined directly out of this strange girl's studio by a gang of house rabbits equipped with tiny hammers. (Really? Yes. Really.)

I will be listing this pile of pretties in my shop today along with some other lovely things. :)


Silver Parrot said…
I have just GOT to sell more stuff this week so I can afford a ring - they are just gorgeous.
Love them Nancy - Love your renewed energy too - infectious !
WOW..they are awesome!! You are on a 'ring roll'! :)
Beth Hikes said…
they're gorgeous! I can't wait to see people sporting them around town :)
TesoriTrovati said…
I am seriously panting here to get my hands into one of those! I love them all! Keep it up!
Enjoy the day!

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