Done and ALMOST done!
So here is the deal. Buy my stuff. :)
No, really, everything you see in the shop will never be in the shop again, so if you fancy a piece or two you better snatch it up now.
I have received many, many wonderful and encouraging comments and emails regarding my decision to run things a little differently and for that I thank each and every one of you. I can be a bit of drama queen when it comes to my craft, but the bottom line is that I have to love what I make. And what I make has to support me. Those two things are not always the best of friends and the drama queen sometimes beats the queen who brings home the bacon over the head with a brick now and then. I'm sedating them both with sangria at the moment so they are getting along just swimmingly. :)
Tomorrow will be a day in the pottery studio, all day, and I cannot wait! I am going in refreshed and recharged and with the cleaning out of my Extra shop I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I can think freely and clearly now for the first time in a while. (This is possibly the sangria talking, but let's just go with it.) I can't wait to show you what I come up with!
I need the name of that sangria mix you brought because it rocked!
We will miss all your RR extras (a lot which is why I keep coming back and buying more goodies!) but a creative gal has gotta do what she's gotta do - enjoy your new direction and we look forward to seeing what the new creative energies bring :)