Round Rabbit Extra Update!

I just finished loading alllll these pieces in the Extra shop. There are a lot of new designs so be sure to take a look.

No, I didn't list Petey and Laurel in the shop. I just thought this photo was funny and had to share it. Petey is super grumpy because he has a Vet appointment tomorrow (notice the evil eye he is shooting me) and Laurel is showing off her girlish figure. (Yes, I know they are both a little on the chubby side. We are working on that...)


Dani said…
Love the new candies!!! I want them all...

Petey and Laurel need to meet little Wren. I wish she would use her blanket like Laurel...maybe I need to get her a little bunny bed.
Cindy Gimbrone said…
Love the birds, Nancy! So many lovelies, you've been a busy woman!
Wow! These are really great! I am off to your shop now!!
Unknown said…
Oh, I LOVE your bunnies! I want to hold them and love and squeeze them and kiss and call them my very own.

I'm having such a problem, Nancy. Twice I have loaded up my shopping cart with goods from your extra store and twice I went waaaaay above my spending limit and then couldn't decide how to narrow it down. I have a project in mind for each piece.
It is maddening!
Annette Tait said…
such very handsome rabbits there Nancy!!
I suspect the extra padding is to keep the cold out - it's been a very cold winter this year!
Perhaps they should be helping you in your studio??
(or is that them 'helping' now?!)
SueBeads said…
Love all your work!

The bunnies are so cute! He does look like he's angry with you!
donna said…
The birds are so sweet!
brothersimon said…
A genius (plural genii or geniuses,[1] adjective ingenious) is a person, a body of work, or a singular achievement of surpassing excellence. More than just originality, creativity, or intelligence, genius is associated with achievement of insight which has transformational power. A work of genius fundamentally alters the expectations of its audience.

thank you for sharing your artistry.


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