My pity party... and you're all invited
It's a different ballgame when creating isn't your hobby, it's your living. It is both stressful and therapeutic. It is both enslaving and liberating. It is often solitary and solipsistic. There are days when it feels effortless and others when each and every move drains all the blood from my body.
So this is the part where I'm supposed to say "And yet I would have it no other way! I love what I do!" Well, yes, it's true, but still... it's hard and don't let anyone tell you differently.
Having said all that and gotten it out of my system, I am done feeling whiny and sorry for myself. And please, don't feel obligated to cater to my mood. I know you all know where I am coming from and have felt the same way from time to time and I thank you for indulging me during my pity party (...if you read this far, and I would not blame you if you didn't!).
(Yes, I changed my background again. I think I am done now. I needed some color, the last brown one was just toooooooo brown.)
I hope it slows down, or gets easier. whichever comes first.
hang in there!
there is not a demarcated work day with this type of love/work... and so every moment calls to you telling you that you should/could be doing something productive... i go to bed with my idea journal at my side... you function at a very high level of productivity... though i know you won't listen, you have to give yourself a bit of 'fun' time - or you will burn out so badly you may singe the rabbit fur that is near to you when you go up in flames... and we are not as resilient as the phoenix - so try not to get to that point...
Because you are so inspiring to me, have a wonderfully happy and creative blog, I am passing on the "Sunshine Blog Award" to you! I look forward to enjoying more of your beautiful posts and amazing creativity! And I’m encouraging my readers to follow your blog as well…….. Thanks for the inspiration!
And Mary Jane is right - you need to take some time for yourself - burnout is a dangerous thing.
Still, though, not having to straddle the fence between what you do for money and what you do for love has attractions - who was it that said "if you do what you love for a living you'll never work a day in your life" - about loving to jump out of bed every day because you know you'll be doing something you enjoy all day.
Hang in there, and do remember to take a break sometimes - you need to refill the well every so often...
but we have to learn to let go and separate ourselves from our work and have some fun. it's ok