I had a hot encounter today with this pizza. I was alone. I ate the first half in one sitting. It was good for me. Very good. If I was a smoker I am sure I would have sucked down a pack after this affair.
Paul hates Pizza Hut pizzas (being a health nut and all) so I rarely have the chance to indulge in this guilty pleasure when he is around. However, today he was out of town and I have the Hut on speed dial. Just look at all that grease! I am laughing all the way to the coronary...

My self-destructive behavior was slightly egged on when I received this book (below) in the mail today from my grandmother. After all, if life is too short to fold underwear then it is surely too short to be concerned with eating a pound of lard. Ironically, the ONLY thing
I do fold is my underwear. Perhaps I should start folding other things so that I can give that up. Hmmm... I'll have to think about this...