Five things...

Five things you can learn about me from this photo:
  1. My hair is big enough to finally realize my life-long dream to join the cast of Designing Women. Oh wait. That show has been off the air for 16 years???
  2. This is the fourth day in a row that I have worn that green sweater. At this point it's wearing me.
  3. I have a fondness for taking my photo in bathroom mirrors.
  4. I was totally alone in the studio today which allowed me to take many horrific self portraits without anyone wondering what the hell is wrong with me.
  5. I have a look of disgruntled disbelief over the fact that I will turn 37 tomorrow.
In other news... I got a ton of work done today! I stuck to my list, finished everything and even squeezed in a little extra. Yeah! (not bad for an old lady) :)


Sarah Siwicki said…
Happy Birthday...I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day tomorrow!!!!! Put your feet up , you "old woman" you! wishes for the year ahead.
Round Rabbit said…
Thanks so much, Sarah!
Rosanne said…
I can only wish I was turning 37,
you're still a little girl!
Happy Birthday to you and may you have many more!
Anonymous said…
i had to do the math... 37 is just up the road for me, and it doesn't seem that bad!! =D

have a wonderful birthday!!!
Highland Fairy said…
I'd love your hair....although I don't suit it (tried it once)
Your jumper is fab...I have a jumper that I wear too much too!
and 37 is nearly 40....eeeek!
says me who is 37 this year too!
You actually look a lot younger!!!
You are a busy bee aren't you!
Really always.....
H xxx
Lorelei Eurto said…
aww man. I wish I had known it was your birthday sooner, I would have made you something!!
Hope it's flippity fantastic lady!

peacockfairy said…
Hope you have a great day!!!
Round Rabbit said…
Thanks so much, everyone! You are all very sweet! (and Peacock Fairy - I am writing you back TODAY - for real!)
Erin Siegel said…
Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy!
T.Allen said…
Happy birthday! *Giggles* perhaps it's a mid thirties thing, but I take way too many pictures of myself and my pets-it makes the children stop and stare!

If the green sweater has no objections-neither do we. ;)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Nancy!! Hope you've had a great day so far!

Dani said…
Your only old as you feel!!

Happy Birthday you young tart!
Round Rabbit said…
Thanks so much! You guys all totally rock!
becca.elpy said…
oop, happy belated birthday!

designing women, ha! my mom used to watch that, then i watched the reruns. hehe. :)

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