Working on the weekend...
Eh. Whatever. I love what I do. I'll take this work over pretty much anything thing else any day. :)
Last week I made a ton of new molds and I was anxious to try them out so I took the molds straight out the of the kiln and went straight to my latest work area (I'm still hanging out with Finchy) and got to work. I am very excited about some of the new designs - you can see a few of them above. I have many, many new ideas brewing and it is very hard to focus on what needs to be done when I have new toys I want to play with and exciting new designs to work on. Thank god I have a never ending supply of inspiration. Just watching the continuing games of Follow the Leader and Monkey See, Monkey Do on Etsy is enough to make a person crazy. I consider myself very fortunate that I don't know how to play those games (but less fortunate that others feel the need to make things that look just like mine. Although I have to say, it can be very amusing when the copiers start coping other copiers - that makes me giggle a bit :).
On another note... below are a few new necklaces that I put in the shop yesterday. The blue and red pieces show a few of the new glazes that I have been playing with. I love both of them, but the blue makes me especially happy. And when put together they make the most beautiful purple! Purple makes me even happier. :)
What's this trunk show you're doing? sounds like you have your work cut out for you.
Just remember:
All Work and No Play, makes Jack a Dull Boy.
Love that movie. DOn't know what made me think of it today. :)
Enjoy your monday!
Thankfully my work is like play! So this Jack won't be dull, just a little tired. :)
Yea, it's a bit depressing at times. When I first started on Etsy no one was making jewelry like mine. The few ceramic jewelry designers that were there had their own styles, everyone did their own thing. It seems to be acceptable to now to use other's work for "inspiration" and this is rampant in every category on Etsy. If something is on the front page more than a few times before long there are 20 people making the same thing. Granted, there is such a thing as coincidence and two people can come up with the same idea at the same time - I have been there so I know that it happens. I don't want to imply that everyone making things similar to mine are copying. I know that that is not true - there happen to be other people out there with outstanding taste and design skills who happen to think along the same lines that I do. :)