Just say no to the Easter bunny...
Over the past 16 years I have had the privilege of sharing my home with four different rabbits. Corduroy, Salinger, Petey and Laurel. None of them ever lived outside, all were litter box trained, my sweet girl Salinger lived to be 10 years old, Petey and Laurel were both adopted from the House Rabbit Society. Rabbits are the most forgiving, loving animals who know better than any how to enjoy life. They are happy and funny and smart. They play and dance (seriously!) and frolic and bring constant joy to those lucky enough to be around them. The point of this mushy rant is this: On this Easter holiday please consider the life of a rabbit to be something special, something worth honoring and respecting. Do not buy your child a cute fuzzy bunny that they will lose interest in in just a few days. Do not then place this rabbit in a cage in the back yard to live a lonely life and suffer a premature death. If you must buy a rabbit this Easter (or anytime) please educate yourself and consider adopting one of the many former Easter rabbits that have been abandoned or neglected. And please, consider keeping your rabbit in your house just as you would a cat or a dog. For more information please see the House Rabbit Society's website.
We do have a white kitten that looks very much like a bun at times, so I think he'll have to do for now!