SPOILER ALERT! To those who are participating in the
trade with
Andrew Thornton - you may not want to read any further if you have not received your package yet. I don't want to take away some of the surprise for you so LOOK AWAY if you don't want to blow it. :)
Today I came home to the most wonderful little package. It was a package full of splendid goodies from artist, Andrew Thornton. Last week he announced on his
blog that he wanted to do a trade for his incredible ACEOs. I was fortunate enough to be one of the first people to respond and I secured myself a coveted spot. (yay me!)

There is something quite marvelous about receiving surprise goodies in the mail. And when those goodies come from someone I only know via his art and writing they take on a magical quality. The fact that a total stranger could put together such a thoughtful and inspiring collection of things warms my heart on this very cold and extra Black Friday. After spending the day out in the world of commerce, seeing the less attractive side of humanity it was a saving grace to come home to Andrew's gift of tea, music and art. Thank you so much, Andrew!

(This little painting is just incredible. And the likeness to me and my hair first thing in the morning is uncanny!)
I shouldn't have looked but I did and I'm so excited to get home from Connecticut now!!
I'll have to come up with something good for the trade.
I am loving that mug!! can i get a set of those babies!!??
That is a great mug, isn't it? My friend (and teacher) Maryanne made it and I snagged it today at our studio sale. She makes the best mugs!
Very nice mug!!
we'll have to talk next time I see you and things have calmed down after the holidays. I need some pottery- pasta bowls to be exact. Too low for soup but high enough sides for pasta.
or maybe you can point me in the right direction for something like that? although I'd really like something pottery related from you.
well, we'll talk about it later on. maybe we can do a trade or something.
hey you still wanna do a collaboration?
I will have to keep trades in mind after the holidays...looks like a blast!